Category: communicating

  • Sine-Line visual experiments

    Some works-in-progress I’ve been experimenting with – simple, colorful audio streams filtered according to frequency, sometimes rendered as 3D geometric shapes. I’ll be performing this with Rob A. and Jag at the Minesweeper gig coming up.

  • Rotating circles after Duchamp Man Ray Picabia

    You’ve probably heard of Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Picabia. If you haven’t, and especially if you have, and you happen to live somewhere near London, go directly to the Tate Modern to see their new exhibition of their combined works, do not pass go, do not collect $200. This exhibit is so chock full…

  • Max/MSP Workshop in London May 2008

    Beginner Workshop in London / May 10-13 I’m not part of this workshop, but I thought I’d post it for those in/near London looking for Max/MSP classes.

  • movement bubbles sketch

    I was playing around with doing some object tracking and movement recognition when I started playing and came up with a quick sketch that turns detected movement into bubbles. It’s a good starting point for a series of interactive works, I think. I can see adding image textures to the bubbles, as well as making…

  • Emotional Contagion

    A project I’ve done some work for is having an event this week at the Dana Centre, London: Date: Wednesday, 13th February, 19:00 – 20.30 Event: Dana Center, Science Museum, London Artist: Tina Gonsalves Are emotions infectious? Why can one person make a previously upbeat group feel glum? How does empathy work? Experience emotional…

  • Study: Negative Space

    I’ve been a bit obsessed with [tag]John Maeda[/tag]’s book, Maeda@Media. It’s a very visual journey through his works and artistic process. I find his work very minimalist, which is fitting for a man who wrote a book called “Simplicity.” Not only is it minimalist, but essential, in many ways – stripped to the core. At…

  • Interactive Media Class

    I’ve been spending most of my waking hours teaching, recently, which is why you haven’t seen any upcoming shows on this site, or much more on the blog. Usually, I like to pull a Clark Kent and keep my day-job and secret pixelist identity separate, but just this one single time I’ll allow my worlds…

  • Openlab4 – A Night of Free Everything

    Nov. 25, 2007 Here in the European heart of global finance that is London, there are no shortage of closed, corporate-sponsored, invite-only events promoting proprietary products with secret formulas and patented ideas. A refreshing break from this trend is the perennial [tag]Openlab[/tag] series of events, now in its fourth incarnation. Openlab is a loose collective…

  • livepainter free software

    I’ve been playing with this excellent program originally done by Josh Nimoy for an installation with GRL (Graffiti Research Labs). It’s a chunky, colorful, NYC-graffiti-style painting tool that works cross-platform and is open source. I’d been kicking around this idea in my head for awhile about creating a live performance painting tool, which isn’t exactly…

  • Piksel 2007

    Don’t miss the Piksel live webcast of performances and talks. “Piksel is a festival and community for artists and developers working with Free/Libre and Open Source audiovisual software, hardware and art.” There are a few interesting speakers, from Reactivision to London Openlab’s very own Robert Atwood with his opensource Jackbytes software for analyzing audio in…