Algorave on the CyberYacht
The lovely people in TOPLAP Berlin, CNDSD (@CNDSD_ on twitter) and Alexandra Cardenás organised an Algorave on the CyberYacht, a VR-ish “cyber party” on Mozilla hubs. I performed my work-in-progress live 3D printing techno set, which you can see here (my set starts 32:42 into this video): There were some other great performances – the…
Collaborative streams using Icecast, OBS and YouTube
Every spring, when the squirrels start foraging for nuts and bears awake from their long hungry slumber, livecoders from around the world crawl out of their sleepy dens to participate in a global series of online concerts. They call this livestreaming festival Eulerroom Equinox (yes, that’s a pun on the ubiquitous ‘Boiler Room’ series of…
Openlab Opennight 15 April 2010
This Thursday I’m playing a super-secret gig at the Flea Pit (RIP) with the Openlab gang, sure to be a good time: http://www.pawfal.org/openlab/2010/03/28/opennight-4-thursday-15th-april-the-flea-pit/
noise=noise & Curiosity Collective present JohnnyMass
noise=noise & Curiosity Collective present JohnnyMass experimentation handmade electronic instruments harsh noise modular synthesizer pulse birthday throb flicker brain entraining curious devices Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Time: 8:00pm – 11:00pm Location: McGinty’s Pub (in Ronnie’s Bar) Street: 15 Northgate Street City/Town: Ipswich, United Kingdom ~~~ experimentation handmade electronic instruments harsh noise modular synthesizer pulse…
Livecoding at the Old Operating Theatre
I’ll be performing (audio) with Jag and a cast of veteran livecoding musicians (slub, Wrongheaded, Michele Pasin, Thor Magnusson) at the Anatomy Museum at Kings College on 14 January 2010: http://staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/~mpasin/events/livecoding/
Marching Gloves Rocks and Code
Marching Rocks, Gloves & Code Experimental electronica: new, old and somewhere in-between. Saturday 24th October 7pm – Later. FREE at SPACE, 129 – 131 Mare Street, London E8 3RH SPACE and Culture Lab (Newcastle) come together to bring you an evening of experimental electronica, featuring performances from: Jamie Allen’s CircuitMusic, Jo Kazuhiro, PixelH8, Massive Black…
Openlab Opennight 22 Oct 2009
OpenlabOpennightFlyer Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist The Cane Toads, Johnny Stutters, Ryan Jordan, Rob Munro, and others playing at The Roebuck on 22 Oct 2009!
Pixelpusher and The Cane Toads at Shunt
The Cane Toad Orchestra featuring PixelPusher (or so I like to call it) is playing Shunt next Thursday, Oct 1, 2009, as part of Toplap’s Livecode stage. That’s right, we’ll have no choice but to make some livecoded music and visuals, and that means sonic and visual anarchy of the most chill quality, kind of…
Pubcode 2009 May 29
++ PUBCODE ++ The first series of livecoded music events in London. http://toplap.org/uk/ Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video, and is starting to get somewhere interesting. Live coders expose and rewire the innards of software while it generates improvised music and/or visuals. All code manipulation is projected for your pleasure.…