pollution visualisations for dfuse
I was asked to do a couple of quickie visualisations of pollution-related stats (oil consumption, co2 usage) for Mike of dfuse, and decided it would be fun to try it in D3. The resulting code is in my gihub, along with links to the data and live visualisations (with some pretty colors and animations!)
SVG clocks
Inspired by my Web Media students at Ravensbourne, I made a spiral SVG clock and put it up on github https://github.com/pixelpusher/svgclock. You can see the clock in action here.
Web Audio – It is finally (almost) here?
You might have seen that the new Angry Birds for Chrome has audio support but it falls back on Flash. Boo. Cheating. Then I saw this – http://sdfphd.net/creativepact2010/sdfahDev_0007.html – and realized that making proper music in a web browser isn’t just a far-off dream anymore. See what you can do with Javascript, the new web…