Glitchnight 22 April 2009 Recap
Clear Visuals Originally uploaded by mrglitch I had some fun at Glitchnight. Great music! I really enjoyed playing along to the sometimes dark, always engaging Will, Z-arc, Soundhacker. Just for kicks, I remixed “The Black Hole” and “Barbarella” along with some interesting old French music films from the 60’s. Quite a few people were suprised…
Glitchnight 22 April 2009
Glitchnight continues at London’s funky Vibe Bar on Brick Lane, with more amazing live electronic music…this month a special album launch party! We’ve teamed up with UK label Boltfish Recordings to host a launch party for Mint’s new album “Cardboard Rocketships” (released on April 30th). The artist will be in attendance to play a live…