Glitchnight and Immersion Recap
Uploaded by dr.mo on 13 Feb 09, 12.16AM GMT. Dr. Mo has some great photos of yesterday’s Immersion. I have a few too. Lukas Vojir has some video of his and Dialog’s set as well. Glitchnight added some photos of Glitchnight at Vibe Bar. Thanks to all who attended both! The performances were all top…
Immersion 12 Feb 2009
Happy 2009! It’s time for the first Immersion of 2009 – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual event – and we have a great line-up this month. Starting at 7:00pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on Thurs 12 February 2009 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the…
Immersion 2008 4 December
Experimental electronics, noise, tones/drones and pulses/rhythms, partnered by cutting edge projected art visuals – all processed live. At The Flea Pit, Columbia Rd, Hackney, London, E2 7RG. Artists featured: Sound: ABKomm // Alnagak // Infinite Scale // Removal Company // Suero // Zainetica (details at http://www.immersion.100freemb.com/immersionclub/event.html) Visuals: Dr. Mo Veteran VJ and master of visual…
Immersion 2 Oct 2008
It’s that time again – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual even returns! Starting around 7:30pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on Thurs 2 October 2008 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the ever-popular, on-going Immersion series at The Flea-Pit, London E2. [schedule] Immersion is a free-entry…
Michael Santos and PixelPusher at Immersion
Click to Play Aug 7, 2008 at Immersion, in Hackney, London. Part 1 of 2. This video was originally shared on blip.tv by pixelpusher with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.
Michael Santos and PixelPusher at Immersion 2008-08-07 p2
Click to Play Aug 7, 2008 at Immersion, in Hackney, London. Part 2 of 2. This video was originally shared on blip.tv by pixelpusher with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.
Immersion Wrap-up 7 Aug 2008
Thanks to all who packed in The Flea Pit to hear and see the last Immersion night. Alias had his Immersion pixelist debut during Dr. No’s and Straight’s rather laid-back sets. I rolled out my new Jellotail live drawing software during Michael Santos’s richly textured tones and got so immersed in the performance that I…
Immersion 7 Aug 2008
It’s that time again – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual even returns! Starting around 7:30pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on Thurs 7 June 2008 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the ever-popular, on-going Immersion series at The Flea-Pit, London E2. [schedule] Immersion is a free-entry…
Immersion 5 June 2008
It’s that time again – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual even returns! Starting around 7:30pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on 5 June 2008 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the ever-popular, on-going Immersion series at The Flea-Pit, London E2. [schedule] Immersion is a free-entry experimental…
Immersion 3 April 2008
It’s that time again – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual even returns! Starting around 7:30pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on 3 April 2008 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the ever-popular, on-going Immersion series at The Flea-Pit, London E2. [schedule]