Algorave on the CyberYacht
The lovely people in TOPLAP Berlin, CNDSD (@CNDSD_ on twitter) and Alexandra Cardenás organised an Algorave on the CyberYacht, a VR-ish “cyber party” on Mozilla hubs. I performed my work-in-progress live 3D printing techno set, which you can see here (my set starts 32:42 into this video): There were some other great performances – the…
BITLIP performances
About BITLIP BITLIP focuses on creating musical, listenable sounds that people can dance too. Coming from a background in both jazz and cut-and-paste sampling he tries to combine the controlled spontaneity of musical improvisation with the textural eeriness of found sounds. His influences are quite wide, ranging from minimalist techno, classic rap, Steve Reich, Alice…
Web Audio – It is finally (almost) here?
You might have seen that the new Angry Birds for Chrome has audio support but it falls back on Flash. Boo. Cheating. Then I saw this – http://sdfphd.net/creativepact2010/sdfahDev_0007.html – and realized that making proper music in a web browser isn’t just a far-off dream anymore. See what you can do with Javascript, the new web…
Tests for a music video for PJE
I’m working on a music video for a song by PJE called The Employee and doing some tests. The idea is to create the surrealistic daydream of a 1950’s woman on her first day on the assembly line of a dreary, machine-like typist job. I’m doing all the visuals rendered in fluxus, cut with some…
Openlab Opennight 22 Oct 2009
OpenlabOpennightFlyer Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist The Cane Toads, Johnny Stutters, Ryan Jordan, Rob Munro, and others playing at The Roebuck on 22 Oct 2009!
Pitch Control at the Takeaway Festival 19-30 May
The Science Museum’s Dana Centre 165 Queen’s Gate South Kensington London SW7 5HD Pitch Control is a musical instrument that allows you to play a projected choir of (mostly) amateur singers. Here’s some further information on it: http://mlstudio.co.uk/pitch-control-photos/ http://www.takeawayfestival.com/ http://www.danacentre.org.uk/ There’s a viewing night on May 19th. If you’d like to come along, please email…
Immersion 12 Feb 2009
Happy 2009! It’s time for the first Immersion of 2009 – your favourite bi-monthly audio/visual event – and we have a great line-up this month. Starting at 7:00pm and lasting until 11:30pm, on Thurs 12 February 2009 Spencer Mash (SS_R) & PixelPusher present a night of soundscapes, experimental music, and visuals as part of the…