Tag: hardware

  • Using the Output Plug to Drive a Solenoid

    Output plug: http://cafe.jeelabs.net/lab/op1/#index3h1 JeeNode v5: http://talk.jeelabs.net/topic/207 “To drive a small lamp or motor, you connect it between COM and the output pin(s), and you connect the power supply between COM and GND. You can probably find many examples when googling for details regarding the ULN2803 chip on that board.”

  • Halloween Lightbox

    Using the Dimmer Plug and a Jeenode to create a box of LEDs that blinks when tilted, with a brightness control (and future wireless capability…) Check the PCA9635 data sheet for programming details. Took me a bit to figure out how to vary the brightness of each LED individually, and to turn them on in…

  • Creative Pact Day 7: Auduino

    IMG_3783 Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist Today was prep day for the first One Button Devices workshop for Openlab Workshops, so I dusted off the Arduino and sensors to make this simple “theramin-style” synthesizer using an infrared distance sensor and the Audiuno code form the lovely folks at Tinker.it.