Uzman Haque & Adam Greenfield @ Space
If architecture is a form of conversation between a space and its inhabitants, to paraphrase Usman Haque, then the conversation between Haque and Adam Greenfield at Space Studios in Hackney was practically Victorian in its flourishes and monumental aspirations. Like the massive ribcage of old steel forming the roof of St. Pancras rail station, this…
Marching Gloves Rocks and Code
Marching Rocks, Gloves & Code Experimental electronica: new, old and somewhere in-between. Saturday 24th October 7pm – Later. FREE at SPACE, 129 – 131 Mare Street, London E8 3RH SPACE and Culture Lab (Newcastle) come together to bring you an evening of experimental electronica, featuring performances from: Jamie Allen’s CircuitMusic, Jo Kazuhiro, PixelH8, Massive Black…
Processing Workshop 17 Sept
I’m giving a Processing workshop about how to make things happen with sound, at Space Studio, Hackney. Details at http://openlabworkshops.org and http://openlabworkshops.org/workshop-space-studios-17-sept-2009/