Evil Sun music video

This entry is about the making of the Evil Sun music video (included in full at the end of the article).

I love the texture of 3D fractals. For one project, I was working on making movies of the Sun and putting them into 3D videos so I could do all sort of things that I couldn’t do with the real Sun, like rotating it counter-clockwise and having it tumble in space and turn psychedelic colors.

The Real Sun wasn’t cooperating very well, unfortunately. It was extremely hard to take the low-resolution images of the Sun and map them to high-resolution 3D sphere, so I tried using fractals to generate some sun-like 3D shapes. Add some realtime audio-analysis and some 3D effects, and “Evil Sun” as a performance piece was born!

I was listening to Twerk at the time, and he was nice enough to let me use his music in this video. Enjoy.

[QUICKTIME http://content.flkr.com/video/evilsun-pp-twerk.mov 320 240]
direct link

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