Sorry about canceling that last show at the last minute. There was a big opening at the [tag]Pace Wildenstein[/tag] gallery in New York City for a show I’d been working on for a few years, under the artist [tag]Robert Whitman[/tag].
I have a hard time explaining about the works – words don’t do them justice. In the show there is a projection of the moon Io, onto fabric curtains blowing in the breeze; a large-scale, interactive “Sun” made from altered imagery taken by [tag]NASA[/tag] of the real sun; three human-scale globes: the moons Europa and Ganymede, and Earth. each done as self-contained “worlds” with video playing on their hemispheres take from altered images taken by NASA.
Video of the installation, Sept. 6, 2007 (Quicktime Divx, 640 x 360)
The globe [tag]sculptures[/tag] look something like [tag]the Baker Moon[/tag], recently completed with much help from [tag]SOM[/tag] architect [tag]Walter Smith[/tag] as a one-off sculpture for the home of the successful real estate magnate and arts patron [tag]Richard Baker[/tag]:
The Baker moon (with Robert Whitman and Walter Smith in the foreground):
[QUICKTIME 360 270]
As a [tag]pixelist[/tag], I worked on creating the videos and interactive sun for Bob.
See also:
2 responses to “Last Minute Trip to NYC”
[…] be found in the recent work of artist Robert Whitman. Pixel Pusher has an introduction to his show “Turning†which features glowing, spinning sculptures of such moons as Europa and Ganymede while another […]
[…] Evan has some images and video on his blog. […]