Category: communicating

  • Bah. Website Hacked.

    So, some f***heads hacked my site.  Not a malicious thing, just some spambots having their dirty, evil way with my site.  I tried to fix it but wound up deleting most of the installation.  That’s why the images, for the most part, are gone from my website.  A pain, a total pain.  I so hate…

  • Where is my Ben and Jerry’s????

    Ok, I know my blog is basically about art, tech, and visuals, but dammit I love ice cream, and that specifically means Ben and Jerry’s.  I’ve been to their Sundae in the Park every year I’ve been here in the UK, where I’ve eaten enough of their ice cream to make a pro wrestler incontinent. …

  • Hand-waving-time-slices test

    Hand-waving-time-slices test Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist For an upcoming exhibition (my first solo exhibition) I’ve been working on a series of 5-7 new works, from interactive software to prints to sculpture. These tests are from a live capture of my hand opening and closing in front of a camera attached to the computer,…

  • Twitter Words Visualization

    A visualization of each individual word used in twitter status updates overnight from 6PM GMT on Feb 22 2010 until 10AM GMT on Feb 23. Movement is caused by the list of words growing, as the program sees more individual words. Words used more often are larger and brighter (they grow logarithmically). There were a…

  • Tests for a music video for PJE

    I’m working on a music video for a song by PJE called The Employee and doing some tests.  The idea is to create the surrealistic daydream of a 1950’s woman on her first day on the assembly line of a dreary, machine-like typist job.  I’m doing all the visuals rendered in fluxus, cut with some…

  • The Kitchen’s Augmented Reality Game

    testing (b)ar Originally uploaded by Kitchen Budapest Gabor Papp and the gang at Kitchen Budapest (that’s in Hungary, for all you geography-averse Americans out there) are prototyping an augmented reality game which looks fantastic. I really dig the chunky-but-glowy 3D horns! (Apparently done in Fluxus)


    Recorded from a live performance.  My first audio-visual (not just visual) work in about 5 years.  Created for NOISE==NOISE and The Curiosity Collective’s JohnnyMass on 28 Dec. 2009.  Uses Fluxus & SuperCollider.

  • Smooth Hands

    hands-smooth-inner02 Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist I’ve been experimenting with extruded shapes, with the end goal of fabricating some interesting ones using a 3D printer at the University I teach at, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham (UK). So far, it has been a long learning process – first, making extrusions of my hands…

  • Uzman Haque & Adam Greenfield @ Space

    If architecture is a form of conversation between a space and its inhabitants, to paraphrase Usman Haque, then the conversation between Haque and Adam Greenfield at Space Studios in Hackney was practically Victorian in its flourishes and monumental aspirations. Like the massive ribcage of old steel forming the roof of St. Pancras rail station, this…

  • reaction-diffusion livedrawing

    reaction-diffusion livedrawing Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist I used claude’s reaction-diffusion shader that creates biological-growing patterns in realtime on some 3D drawn shapes in fluxus. Yum! rdex fluxus is open source (as is rdex!) and available here: