Sad news, just found out that pioneering performance and digital artist Robert Whitman passed away two weeks ago. Bob was a legend and a friend (I collaborated on his 2007 “Turning” exhibition and his “sun” and “Moon”) and a real visionary of the social/technical/conceptual potential of media, interaction, projection, and art. He was a co-founder of EAT (Experiments in Art and Technology) back in the 60s/70s along with Billy Kluver, Julie Martin, and Robert Rauchenberg, friends with John Cage, Lucan Samras, Claus Oldenburg, and was old school enough to have played chess with Duchamp back in the day. He was also a lovely guy who was supportive, friendly, and taught me how to be an artist and encouraged me to steal oversize art books from Pace Gallery’s offices (of which I have a few left!) There’s a waning awareness of E.A.T. and the amazing things they accomplished (and nearly accomplished) and its worth looking them up. Funny story… the lawyers came up with E.A.T. because the founding members didn’t want to give it a name or a manifesto (Bob used to desrcibe it as “art without manifestos”) but the lawyers insisted some name had to be on the founding legal docs.
Rest in Power Bob: