Category: blog

  • Halloween Lightbox

    Using the Dimmer Plug and a Jeenode to create a box of LEDs that blinks when tilted, with a brightness control (and future wireless capability…) Check the PCA9635 data sheet for programming details. Took me a bit to figure out how to vary the brightness of each LED individually, and to turn them on in…

  • Creative Pact Day 8

    I swear I did something, but I ran out of time to post it. First, I registered FLKR as a merchant on the Android Marketplace, so I can start selling games.  Second, I added some much needed difficulty to the SeaGame prototype, so a giant fish swims by occasionally and blocks you from collecting treasure,…

  • Creative Pact Day 7: Auduino

    IMG_3783 Originally uploaded by da mad pixelist Today was prep day for the first One Button Devices workshop for Openlab Workshops, so I dusted off the Arduino and sensors to make this simple “theramin-style” synthesizer using an infrared distance sensor and the Audiuno code form the lovely folks at

  • Creative Pact Day 6: SeaGame v001

    Today (for Creative Pact 2010) I took my little game engine and created a fully working game out of it.  I finished some more assets – rocks and shells and things you find near the water, traced from some pictures I took on the banks of the Thames.  The goal is to collect the buried treasure…

  • Creative Pact Day 5: Beach Game

    I have this idea of doing a game where you dig in the sand and find buried treasure.  Trying to get it done in a day is tricky… I basically finished making some assets today (only have about 1.5 hrs or so to do it in).   Here are a few cute lil’ images I…

  • Creative Pact Day 4

    So, today I didn’t do anything for the creative pact.  Marcus and I were doing some filming tests for his Tiny Dancer project, which involves a bunch of live tracing of people’s outlines while dancing. It’s written in OpenFrameworks (well, C++ really) and uses a serious amount of multi-threaded asynchronous queues so that it can…

  • Creative Pact Day 3: Knocking Things About

    Result – this is actually game-like! Today’s lesson in that things are always more difficult than they seem.  Tried adding a MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVED detector to the onSceneTouchEvent() method of my TouchSprites so they could detect when a finger dragged over them and subsequently would knock them about, but had a bit of trouble.  Apparently, as I’ve…

  • Creative Pact Day 2: CatFishTron

    Today I’m going to create more of a “game,” eventually called CatFishTron.  No, really.  I’ll be learning how to add sound to a game, a moving background, and maybe, if I have time, add some self-removing sprites (for explosions, etc!) First task – to make a sprite “blow-up” in AndEngine you use a SequenceModifier and…

  • Creative Pact Day 1: AndEngine Physics pt 1

    For Creative Pact 2010 I’m going to be teaching myself how to make a game using the open source AndEngine for Android mobile devices.  apparently, Android apps are the next goldrush, the biggest thing since skinny jeans, and I never got a pair of skinny jeans so I might as well jump in the deep…

  • building an android app

    Giant Google Android statue with puppy and cupcake by ToastyKen, on Flickr I decided to take the plunge and develop an Android app.  We’ve got a good idea for a game for all ages.  A really good idea.  I could have started on a iPhone/iPad app, but I am put off by Apple’s “curatorial” ways…